Minister O’Neill Highlights Benefit of AD ahead of ADNI

Minister O’Neill Highlights the Benefits of on-Farm Renewable Energy

Ahead of the Cre conference on anaerobic digestion, Minster O’Neill made this press release

Northern Ireland Anaerobic Digestion Conference

Cre hosted the inaugural Northern Ireland Anaerobic Digestion Trade Show and Conference – ‘AD NI’ on 3 October 2012 in the Hilton Hotel Templepatrick, Belfast.

Since the Renewable Obligations Certificates were launched, there have been nearly 80-90 planning applications to build mostly on farm anaerobic digestion plants. Of these applications approximately 30 have received full planning permission.

Cre and other organisations have hosted events to educate people on anaerobic digestion. At this stage, Cre wanted to take stock of developments since ROCs were launched to review, assess, debate issues and opportunities arising around the development of the anaerobic digestion industry. Recently there have been some real issues arising such as securing feedstocks and gaining finance.

The event was attended by 120 people.

The event’s main sponsors were ECOCEM and Clarke Energy. Full details can be found on

Presentations from the event can be downloaded from