New Cré Leadership Announced

On 8 January, the Cré board met online to determine a leadership team ready to drive our industry forward.

Our new chair is Tim Duggan of Enrich. Tim is a stalwart of the Cré board and has been in the industry for more than two decades operating garden waste, soils manufacturing and fine processing facilities across Ireland. Tim has replaced Tony Breton who after three years as Chair moves into the role of Chief Executive. Tony, who is already well known to many of you, is a Chartered Resource Manager and has been actively involved in the organics and bioeconomy industries in Ireland and the UK for the past 25 years. The role of Treasurer is taken up by Kevin Eves of Envirogrind who steps up after just one year on the Board.

“I am honoured to have been appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Cré,” said Tim. “Cré is a unique organisation which has consistently delivered well beyond its means and the two previous Chairs have left me big boots to fill. I look forward working closely with all our members and stakeholder partners to further our industry and the wider bioeconomy in Ireland. I also look forward to continue to working closely with Tony as he takes up the new role of Chief Executive. He has proven his dedication to the Association and wider industry and his passion is infectious. Tony’s wealth of experience both in the organics industry and association management will be vital as we enter a critical phase with a new Government.” Tim continued, “Today the Board also agreed to seek to widen the opportunities presented by addressing the whole biological treatment more holistically. There is much to do and we will bring forward new ideas for discussion with you, our members, at our next face to face meeting on 26 February.”

Planning for an Anaerobic Digestion Facility Training Course

8th & 9th November, 2023 Crowne Plaza, Dundalk
22nd November, Kildare

The details on the courses can be found here

To book click here

With the impending introduction of new incentives from government, such as the Renewable Heat Obligation (RHO) to produce renewable energy, anaerobic digestion (AD) is a financially viable technology that offers huge potential for revenue generation for farmers and waste operators alike. Anaerobic digestion produces a high energy containing gas, known as biogas, which can be used for green energy production. The technology is simple, yet robust, and well developed on multiple feedstocks.

To facilitate the growth of the sector Cré developed a “Planning for Anaerobic Digestion Facility” training course. The course is a highly intensive three-day training course targeted specifically at projects in Ireland. The course was delivered twice previously with over fifty people attending. The course will give participants a clear understanding of what anaerobic digestion is, basic design criteria, planning and regulatory requirements, grid connection, project economics, financing, and much more.

The course includes visits to operational anaerobic digestion plants and will prepare participants wishing to develop their knowledge in anaerobic digestion plants and to up skill in anaerobic digestion operations.

The objective of the course is to educate individuals involved in anaerobic digestion, be it farmers, waste operators, planners, decision markers with all the knowledge to assist them in developing an anaerobic digestion project. The course will not allow participants to design their own plant but will provide them with sufficient knowledge when dealing with technology providers, government agencies, planners, banks, to make well informed decisions.



Cré recently received a lovely letter from Sir David Attenborough in which he said “Thank you for telling me about your admirable scheme”.

Cré is delighted to have such an experience team taking over the management of the scheme.

Dermot O’Doherty and Dearbhail Wheston are the independent directors of the certification body – Cré Certification Ireland.

Ruth Robertson is the scheme manager and Eoin Bird is the scheme inspector.

The Certification Committee comprises Dr. Billy Fitzgerald (former head of  Environmental Science IT Sligo), Josef Barth (Informa Consultants, Germany) and Henrik Lystad (Norwaste, Norway).

Over the next few months products will be tested under the scheme rules.

The scheme website is

Any company interested in getting more details about the scheme are to email


Minister Creeds Helps Awards Certificates in Composting

Minister Creeds Helps Awards Certificates in Composting

Last week at an Awards Ceremony held in the Royal College of Physicians, Minister Creed helps hand out the ‘Cré – Institute of Technology Sligo Certificate in Compost Facility Operation’.

With increasing amount of composting happening the trained students are all actively working in the sector as either operating plants or regulating plants.  22 people completed the course and were various backgrounds of being regulators, compost site operators and consultants.

The use of compost in its role of carbon sequestration in Irish soils was discussed at the event and everyone acknowledge the role to keep carbon locally in Irish soils is needed. A recent survey showed that nearly 100,000 of compost is generated in Ireland this is set to increase rapidly in the next few years as more poultry manure and brown bin materials is composted.



Caption: Minister Creed, Dr. Michele Glacken (IT Sligo) and Percy Foster (Cré) with the students who got awarded the Certificate in Compost Facility Operation.

“Mobilising an Irish Biogas Industry with Policy and Action”

“Mobilising an Irish Biogas Industry with Policy and Action”
Press Release: Immediate Release
18th July 2019

Biogas can addresses Ireland’s declared Climate Emergency with Government Policy and Action now
Today, the Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA) and Cré- Composting and Anaerobic Digestion Association of Ireland launch their joint policy document calling for a biogas support scheme titled “Mobilising an Irish Biogas Industry with Policy and Action”. This document developed following consultation with members and key stakeholders in the sector, sets out a road map for how the government target of 1.6Twh of biomethane by 2030 can be achieved on a phased basis over the next number of years. The document provides the Irish government with an industry roadmap for the role out of a meaningful Irish biogas industry. This document addresses the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action call for a strategy to be developed for Anaerobic digestion and also the Government Climate Action Plan action on biomethane injection. This policy document articulates a vision from the industry and outlines the key principles which will need to be followed for the growth and development of a successful Irish biogas industry.

Speaking at the policy document launch, Seán Finan IrBEA CEO says  “Our vision is for the Irish biogas industry to be developed on a phased basis to achieve the government climate action plan target of 1.6Twh (200MW) of biomethane injection by 2030 or before. A biogas support scheme will be required to bridge the cost gap between the current cost of production of biogas and current sale price of fossil gas.  In the short term, we would like to see an initial phase of 65MW of biomethane funded by the government. The initial 65MW can be achieved by 25 medium to large scale biogas plants which are strategically located across the county and close to the gas grid. The initial phase would deliver 400 jobs and abate 500,000 tonnes of CO2 with a biogas support scheme costing €40 million”

Percy Foster, CEO of Cré said “we are delighted to have worked closely with our colleagues in IrBEA in producing this joint policy document. We firmly believe a phased approach in developing a sustainable biogas sector is the way forward. Our document outlines in detail the many significant benefits Biogas has, which go unrecognised by many key stakeholders. It helps meet renewable energy targets, diversification for farmers, creates local jobs, reduces the need for chemical fertilisers and the avoidance of greenhouse gas emissions are just a few examples”.

The joint document clearly articulates that a whole of government approach is required to funds the biogas support scheme required. A number of funding options are available and should be explored. An Irish biogas industry will deliver significant benefits to the country across a least 7 different Government department. Some of the different Government funding options available include: the introduction of a PSO levy on fossil gas, a financial contribution from all of the different government departments that can realise a benefit from the industry creating a whole of Government fund or ringfencing some of the carbon tax budget. Policy and action is required now from Government to ensure this industry develops in Ireland which is mainstream in many other European countries for many years.
IrBEA Cre Biogas Policy Summary Final
IrBEA Cre Biogas Policy Paper Final_1

Conference 2021

New Cre Logo_Master - web2021 Irish Composting and Anaerobic Digestion Conference

21, 22 & 23 September 2021

Minister Bruton Launches Report on Pioneering National Brown Bin Initiative

Press Release: 30.01.2019


Minister Bruton Launches Report on Pioneering National Brown Bin Initiative


Thanks to a pioneering consumer focused initiative, households in Sligo City are leading the nation in food waste recycling according to a new report launched last Friday by The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Richard Bruton TD.

The national Pilot scheme of the Brown Bin education programme was done in Sligo City. The aim of the Pilot was to see how the provision an education programme of waste advisors going door to door, kitchen caddies and compostable liners to householders, could improve the amount and quality of food waste in the Brown Bin.

By the end of the 12 month initiative, the amount of food being recycled from Sligo households more than doubled and at the same time, the amount of non-compostable material (plastic, metals, glass) found in brown bins was slashed from 18% to 1%.

Launching the report Minister Bruton said “The results of this initiative show that if we want to help people properly manage their food waste and indeed cut down on their food waste, we need to be doing more to support people in understanding and using their bins. This pilot project confirms that there are real gains to be made in using the brown bin correctly and has identified some really practical steps which could be useful for other towns to adopt.

Percy Foster CEO of Cré – Composting Association of Ireland said “the results of the project showed that by giving people a kitchen caddy and liners to use in the kitchen makes recycling food waste easier and cleaner for people. Given the positive outcome of the pilot it should be emulated across the country”

In Ireland, every household in villages with more than 500 people should have and use a brown bin for food waste but to date getting people to use the bins has been a challenge. By their nature, food scraps are wet and often smelly and not something anyone really wants to think about but when collected separately and recycled back to soil through composting and anaerobic digestion they can bring economic and relevant climate change benefits.

Siobhan Gillen of Sligo County Council said “we welcomed the opportunity to be involved in this pilot, the uptake of using brown bins correctly increased dramatically and we are still seeing the positive effects today. Provision of ‘door-to-door’ education not only showed positive results for diversion of food waste material from the general waste bin, but it also showed that educating households on correct waste management practice as a whole, allows for better quality recycling and a reduction in disposal of waste to landfill which in turn has a financial gain for the householder”

In many parts of the world, households are given specially designed small kitchen bins and mater- bi compostable liners to makes the recycling of food scraps easy, clean and hygienic and this report has shown it to be the case too.

The report can be downloaded here: National Brown Bin Awareness Pilot Report Sligo 30.01.2019



Further Information contact: Percy Foster, T: 086- 8129260



Notes to Editor:


Photo Caption:

L to R: Tony Breton (Novamont), Minister Bruton, Siobhan Gillen (Sligo County Council) & Percy Foster (Cré)


Sligo County Council coordinated the national Pilot Scheme of the Brown Bin programme in Sligo City. The Project was jointly funded by the Department of Communications, Climate Action and the Environment, Sligo County Council, Cré – Composting and Anaerobic Digestion Association of Ireland, and Novamont.

Students on Compost Course

Cré – Institute of Technology Sligo Certificate in Compost Facility Operation

pictured above are the 22 students on the accredited compost facility operation course


Cré Partnership with GIY Ireland

L to R: Pat O’Donnell, Sean Campbell, Heather Loughlin, Ronan Douglas (GIY), Maurice Cremin, Martin Eves & Derry Murphy, pictured at GORC conference.

GIY Ireland is a non profit charity with over 150,000 members. Its aim is to help people grow their own vegetables. GIY and Cré have drafted up a three year partnership plan.    giy logo

In this partnership plan, GIY Ireland will assist Cré with the following:
• Data collection from its members on Cré surveys
• Incorporating educational tools into the GIY school programmes
• Three years of promotional campaigns to their members e.g. pay by weight/brown bin in 2016

In addition, Cré will be promoted as one of the main sponsors of Grow Circle/ Grown HQ in Waterford ( and provided with an advert space in the GIY magazine.

Cré sought support from members to fund this programme and we are delighted to announce the following members have pledged their support to the three year programme;



                 Cremin Farm Compost


McGill        OD AGRI                     EnrichMiltownotoole



Best Practice Guide for Door to Door Brown Bin Education in Ireland

Best Practice Guide for Door to Door Brown Bin Education


The National Brown Bin Awareness Pilot project took place in Sligo. Based on the experiences from the pilot, a best practice guide for door to door education of householders on how to use a brown bin collection service has been developed.


View the full guide here.


The guide can be used by a waste collection company or by a local authority as part of an education programme.


It is based mainly on the experiences of the three brown bin advisors (Margaret Dunleavy, David McGovern and Rachel Finan), who conducted the national pilot of the brown bin advisors programme in Sligo city from July 2014 to March 2015. During the pilot, an estimated 3,000 face to face interviews with householders were conducted.


It is recommended that if a local authority is going to do an education programme that it is conducted in partnership with all the local waste collectors. It is important that all the waste collectors give a full commitment to the programme as without it, the programme will not be successful.


This report contains the following sections:
• Planning
• Preparation in advance of going door to door
• Face to face interviews
• Problems encountered by the Sligo team
• Advice for waste collectors


There is an appendix that contains templates with recommended resources.


Key Recommendations
• Develop constructive partnership and effective communications with all key stakeholders – e.g. local authorities, waste collectors, processors (compost/biogas plants), and any third party service delivery company
• Establish priority goals early in the programme
• Maximise the use of available resources
• Be flexible and willing to tweak / change the programme during the project


Special thanks are due to the following organisations who provided funding for the pilot;
• The Department of Environment, Community and Local Government
• Sligo County Council
• Novamont
• Cré- Composting and Anaerobic Digestion Association of Ireland