Cré Industry Awards 2013

Cré Awards 2013

Compost and Biogas Industry Recognise Peers

The Cré Awards 2013 celebrated the hard work, dedication and success of organisations within the composting and anaerobic digestion industry both in Ireland and Northern Ireland.


An Awards Ceremony sponsored by Ecocem and Edina was held on May 10th in Dublin. Fergus O’Dowd T.D. Minister of State at the Department of Communications, Energy & Natural Resources and Environment, Community & Local Government presented the awards. The event rose much needed funds for the Irish Cancer Society.


Martin Eves (Chairman of Cré) said “congratulations to all the winners, every organisation is playing an important role in creating jobs within our sector. The InterTradeIreland market report estimated that our sector will grow to support 1,500 direct jobs and 1000’s of indirect jobs”.


David O’Flynn of Ecocem commented that “Ecocem are delighted to support these awards.  It is great to see so many companies putting forward solutions to maximise value and minimise pollution associated with waste.  We see clear synergies, with our cement providing a low carbon solution and improving concrete durability.”


“Edina is very proud of our connection with Cré, and we are delighted to continue our support through sponsoring of the Industry Awards. We congratulate all award winners and commend them on their commitment to this Industry” said Colin McKibbin of Edina.


The awards were judged by an independent panel of judges; Ian Garner (WRAP Northern Ireland), Karen Mahon (Alupro Ireland) and Eoin MaGennis (InterTradeIreland)


Industry Awards Kindly Sponsored by


The Ecocem-Cré Cup- Enrich, Meath


Lto R. Martin Eves (Chairman of Cré), Minister O’Dowd, Tim Duggan (Enrich)

& David O’Flynn (Ecocem- sponsor of award)


This award is for the best managed composting or biogas plant in Ireland. The main criteria for this award won by Enrich are -Evidence of excellence in site supervision, operational features, best management practices, teamwork, staff welfare, data management, local acceptability, methods or systems for environmental management, plant maintenance, marketing strategy for compost/digestate products and general impression.


The Edina Innovation Award- William Industrial Services, Antrim


Lto R. Minister O’Dowd, John Toner (William Industrial Services) & Martin Eves (Chairman of Cré)


The criteria for this award was to clearly demonstrate a ‘unique innovation that will or has led to increased economic benefit for the company or industry’


The biogas sector in Northern Ireland is developing rapidly with many plants being built on farms.   Typically this technology had been imported from other countries and had evolved specific to these countries.  William Industrial Service has demonstrated that the feedstock specific to Ireland, being primarily grass/silage based, required a fresh approach to biogas technology.


William Industrial Service developed a technology that suits the feedstock in Ireland.  Their technology is designed to be customer specific and suits the business environment in Ireland. The average pay back for AD plants is 7 years – with this new technology, a 500KW plant has a typical payback of 2.7 years.  William Industrial Service’s first plant is now operational.



Outstanding Contribution to the Sector- Down2Earth Materials, Cork


Down2 Earth Materials2)

Lto R. Minister O’Dowd, John Lynch (Down2Earth Materials) & Martin Eves (Chairman of Cré)


There was a broad range of applications for this category, ranging from how research can benefit the sector to companies demonstrating the work they are doing in persuading the general public to accept and use the brown bin.


Down2Earth Material’s range of compostable packaging combined with the work they undertook to educate the general public on how to use compostable products has assisted the consumer in having a better understanding of how food waste should be segregated and presented to our sector for further processing.


Highly Commended-Greenking Composting, Wicklow


Lto R. Minister O’Dowd, Paddy King (Greenking Composting) & Martin Eves (Chairman of Cré)


In recognition of a composting facility which has clearly shown itself as an example for the industry to follow, the winner of the 2013 Cre ‘Highly Commended’ Award is – Greenking Composting in Wicklow.



Organics Recycling Suppliers Award- Nova Q, Dublin

 Nova Q2

Lto R. Minister O’Dowd, Julian Beatty (Nova Q) & Martin Eves (Chairman of Cré)


One of the main criteria for this category was “to demonstrate a machinery or service solution which increased efficiencies at a compost/biogas plant while adding value to the outputs”.


Nova Q, winner of this award supplies a microbial inoculant which is being used at several composting facilities in Ireland.   It has been proven to enhance the composting process, provides more capacity in plants and has facilitated in enhancing both process and environmental controls.



Best Collection Scheme for Source Separated Material-

Clean Ireland Recycling, Clare

 Clean Ireland Recycling2

Lto R. Minister O’Dowd, Michael O’Donaghue (Clean Ireland Recycling)

& Martin Eves (Chairman of Cré)

Contamination of the brown bin is a huge problem within our sector with contamination rates high.  We are all aware of the challenge of getting households to use the brown bin and to present it properly.


Entrants for this category had to demonstrate methods of promoting separate collection and highlight innovative ways to educate users and control contamination.  Success was measured on participation and contamination rates.  It must be said that this category attracted a number of excellent collection schemes.


Clean Ireland Recycling, winner of this category has taken a European model for food waste only collections and has demonstrated that it can be done successfully in Ireland.   An independent audit by their local authority demonstrated a 69% participation rate and contamination levels of only 1-2%.  Clean Ireland Recycling Ltd uses a ‘pay by weight’ charging mechanism, creating transparency to the householder therefore demonstrating the financial savings that can be made by using the brown bin.