Lee-Jane Eastwood (Cré) and Padraic O’Neill (IrBEA) at the joint Biogas Manifesto launch on 12th November
Thousands of jobs, cheap heating/electricity, and achieving renewables targets – politicians hear how to create the conditions to achieve these goals at IrBEA-Cré ‘Biogas Manifesto’ launch
Politicians from across the political landscape last Thursday November 12th heard how a simple technology can deliver thousands of jobs and significant other social, economic and environmental benefits – through the use of anaerobic Digestion (AD). Details were outlined in Dublin at the joint launch of the ‘Biogas Manifesto’ by the Irish Bioenergy Association (IrBEA) and Cré, the Composting and Anaerobic Digestions Association. click here to download manifesto.
Analysis by the two associations indicates AD – which is a simple, proven, practical biological recycling technology – has the potential to create 2,250 direct permanent jobs, with many more in the construction phase, spread across all counties in Ireland. This would be especially welcome in rural Ireland, as many rural areas struggle to emerge from the financial crisis.
AD has the capability to supply enough electricity to power 20% of Irish homes, or to replace 7.5% of the fossil-based natural gas with renewable “green” gas, via the national gas grid. Renewable energy from AD could be a significant incentive to attract new foreign investment into Ireland, enabling major companies such as Apple to gain marketing traction by meeting their sustainability goals.
Cré CEO Percy Foster said: “The technology for biogas in proven and readily available. The current review of the bioenergy strategy needs to recognise the great opportunities that biogas provides.”
Director of IrBEA Padraic O’Neill said: “Biogas represents a huge opportunity for locally produced renewable energy, job creation, rural development and sustainable agriculture. This needs to be higher on the political agenda.”
John O’Mahony, T.D, Chair of the Oireathtas Committee on Energy, extended an invitation to the industries bodies to present to the Committee in the near future.