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 Introduction and Framework - Chair- Dr. Jane Gilbert, ECN

       Opening & Welcome Address [001]
David McDonnell, Chairman of the Cré Anaerobic Digestion Committee, Ireland and Dr. Jane Gilbert, Chair of ECN, UK

09.15       European Biowaste Policy and Impacts on Anaerobic Digestion [002]
The EU policy affecting biowaste and AD is changing and the presentation will examine the latest developments in the area of Biowaste incl. End-of-waste legislation, Biowaste recycling targets and dependencies with other EU policy fields.
Bartosz Zambrzycki, European Commission, DG Environment, Belgium

09.45      Status of the  Anaerobic Digestion of the Organic Fraction of Municipal Solid Waste in Europe [003]
Bruno Mattheeuws, Organic Waste Systems n.v. OWS, Belgium

10.10      Status and Trends on Anaerobic Digestion of Agricultural Residues and Energy Crops in EU [004]
Dr. Arthur Wellinger, European Biogas Association EBA, Belgium

10.35      Biowaste - How to Explore the Entire Energy and Soil Related Benefit Best? [005]
Biomass inventory and the suitability of waste streams, the need for an integrated perspective of energy recovery and material recycling in the form of compost
PD Dr. habil. Ina Körner, Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

11.00     Coffee break

 Optimisation of the Process - Chair: Barry Caslin, Teagasc

11.30      Increasing Efficiency of Biogas Plants by Technical and Chemical Means  [006]
The presentation will cover technology types/latest configuration, different pre-treatment and future technical developments, hybrid systems and additives, engines developments, how to speed up the plant process to increase biogas yields and efficiency of plants.
Tom Knitter, Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland

11.55      Optimisation of Biogas Yield - Swedish Experiences [007]
Andreas Berg,  Scandinavian Biogas, Sweden

12.20     Optimisation Tools to Reduce Environmental Emissions from AD plants  [009]
Results of a monitoring programme, approaches for technical and operational improvements.
Dr. Jan Liebetrau, German Biomass Research Centre, Carsten Cuhls, Gewitra, Germany

12.45       Challenges to Start Anaerobic Digestion in the New Member States - the Czech Example  [025]
Dr. Jan Habart, CZ Biom, Czech Republic

13.10       Lunch

 Digestate Quality and Use - Chair- Ian Garner, WRAP Northern Ireland

14.30     Review of Digestate Quality Requirements and Certification Schemes across Europe   
The parameter to test the quality of liquid and solid digestate before application onto land will be discussed. Quality assurance/certification schemes around Europe will be reviewed.
Henrik Lystad & Angelika Blom, ECN AD Working Group Chairs, Norway & Sweden

15.00       Proper Application of Liquid and Solid Digestates in Agriculture  [013]
The presentation summarises the Austrian national application recommendations and guidelines.
Erwin Pfundtner, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety (AGES), Austria

15.30       Coffee break

 Biomethane and Biofuel - Chair - Cathal Gallagher, Bord Gais
16.00     European Experiences in Biomethane Production and Grid Injection  [014]
Technology survey, performance and costs, some installation examples
Dr. Dieter Korz, Ros Roca Envirotec, Germany

16.25       Biomethane in Sweden - the Developement of a Vehicle Fuel   [015]
Background and key factors for the Swedish biofuels success story, future perspectives of renewable fuels.
Michelle Ekman, The Swedish Gas Association

 Networking Dinner

 Delegates are encouraged to bring partners and friends to the Networking Dinner
 19.30      Drinks reception in Trade Stand Hall
 20.00      Dinner and music in the Crowne Plaza Hotel

The programme is subject to changes. Please watch this website for final modifications
Digestate Uses Chair - Noel Gavigan, Irish Bioenergy Association

 09.00     Digestate Uses in Ireland  [019]
Conor McGovern, Rx3, Ireland

 09.15     Results of the RX3 funded Crop Trials Using Compost & Digestate  [020]
Vicky Heslop, Methanogen, Ireland   

Case Studies and Success Stories - Chair Derek Milton, Fehily Timoney & Co

09.40      Anaerobic Digestion of Mixed Organic Waste - Experiences from Spain [016]
Joan Mata-Álvarez. University of Barcelona, Spain

10.00      Cleaning & Pre-Treatment of Biowaste - A Chance with Wet Digestion  [017]
Stephan Schulte, BTA International GmbH, Germany

10.20      Novel Pre-treatment Technologies for Food Waste going to AD  [008]
Experiences of new pre-treatment technologies that separate of all types of packaging, including collection bags, which in turn essentially reduces the production of residues throughout the process.
Anthony Breton, Novamont S.p.A., Italy  

10.45       Coffee Break

11.15      Upgrading Existing Composting Plants with an AD Plant in the Netherlands  [021]
John van Haeff, Attero, The Netherlands

11.35      Drivers for AD Integration in Organic Waste Recovery Strategies: a Focus on Italy  [022]
For several reasons Italian composting sector is moving towards AD integration to composting facilities; this presentation will discuss the Italian state of the art on organic waste management and the results of a survey on the key factors which are driving decisions on integration of AD into schemes for the management of organic waste
Alberto Confalonieri, Scuola Agraria Del Parco di Monza, Italy

11.55     Case Studies of German On-Farm AD Plants [023]
The presentation will discuss examples of German on-farm AD plants and the types of farms that build AD plants in Germany. It will discuss what initiatives are required to develop similar opportunities for Irish farmers.  
Peter Young, Irish Farmers Journal, Ireland

12.15      The Best Grass Species for an Energy Crop AD Plant in Ireland and the UK  [024]
The energy crop best suited for Ireland and the UK is grass. This presentation will recommend which species of grass is best based on its gas yield and the best economic return per hectare for an AD plant.
Pádraig O'Kiely, Teagasc-Agriculture and Food development Authority, Ireland

12.40       Lunch

13.40      Is the Development of the AD Industry in Northern America and Canada Mirroring Europe? [031]
Susan Antler, Canadian Composting Council, Canada & Nora Goldstein, American Biogas Council, USA

14.10      Renewable Heat - Practice and Incentives [027]
This short overview illustrates the practical renewable heat solutions available to the developer and government infrastructure planners.
Dr. Les Gornall, Process Consultant, Ireland

14.30      New Integrated Design of a Digestion & Composting Plant Resulting in the Use of 5 By-products [028]
A large combined biowaste composting and AD plant located in a business area near Amsterdam Airport has all its by-products utilised. The methane from the biogas is sold for car fuel, the removed CO2 from the biogas and the recovered heat from composting is used in greenhouses, the condensate water is used in vehicles for street cleaning and the compost is sold to agriculture.
Willem Elsinga, Elsinga Policy planning and Innovation, Netherlands

 Economics and Subsidies - Chair - Henrik Lystad, Avfall Norge

14.55      Electricity/Biomethane Subsidies across the EU  [029]
Subsidies for AD in different countries will be reviewed and compared. The effects of these different subsidies on the development of AD will be determined. Based on this review, the subsidies for a starting country will be recommended.
Dr. Wolfgang Müller, University of Innsbruck, Austria

15.15      Financing AD Projects [030]
Getting to the point you can raise finance for an AD plant, i.e. what you have to have done before you can even contemplate raising finance. This will cover putting together a business plan, initial finance plan, identifying feedstocks, technology, permitting and planning issues.
Dr. Patrick L. Dorvil,  European Investment Bank, Luxembourg

15.35Final Discussion and Closing Remarks
Josef Barth, ECN and Percy Foster, Cré

